

Scale with Freedom

Imagine receiving effective solutions for every growth, sales, time, and employee challenge related to growing your business.

Can a LIVE Training Course with a Small Group of Owners Produce Great Results?

The answer is YES!

2007 was when the first course with the same content was run. The focus was always on results

The course HAD to achieve outstanding profit, margin, income increase, and freedom results for the owner attendees.

Scale with Freedom completely covers all aspects of growing a business and setting it up for management. It's not just about increasing sales, income and profit. 

There are 4 key ingredients built in that make it special and able to achieve the spectacular results it has for hundreds of businesses. 

Each ingredient contributes to saving you time to implement strategies fast to save up to 100 hours of your development/implementation/creation time.

Live, Group Delivery

Small, live group training has been found to create a mastermind with each person helping the others along.

What, Why & How

Some courses or coaches focus only on What you need to do and a bit of Why. SWF puts equal focus on How too.


The systems and templates included become yours and save you 50-100 hours of development time.

 Tools for Metrics

Management is all about metrics and the tools to measure everything are included.

business woman success case study
business freedom success case man
business case study freedom woman
business growth case study testimonial man

Benefit from 40 Years of Business Experience with Solving Problems

Few owners achieve the entrepreneurial, wealth and freedom they desire - to love their business and their life. That can change with an open mind and dedication.

Tim has made it his life's Mission to find permanent solutions to every business challenge stopping owners from achieving freedom as a goal. 

Why Businesses Struggle to Grow


Mindset determines what a person focuses on. We may focus on getting the work done, or winning sales, but there are many areas where focus is needed. 

If owning a business was easy, every business owner would be a multi-millionaire. 

Growing a business is the toughest job in society. We don't learn 'business' in any employee role, so we're not trained. Is it any wonder why so many businesses fail?

Our society is focused on HOW to do things. But entrepreneurs aren't.

Entrepreneurs are solely focused on WHAT they want and act on what they can do today. They aren't thinking about HOW. 

They hire people to take care of HOW.


Without a clear vision of where we're wanting to go, its easy to get stuck in busyness. All entrepreneurs have a crystal clear vision of what they want to achieve. They are pulled towards it with positive engery.

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Experience in an industry is no guarantee of success. Without learning from someone with great experience in business and of building successful businesses, its all too easy to struggle and stress while the business grows slow and has problems with growth. 

Lack of business strategies and tactical knowledge is the primary reason why business owner miss out on a high income as well as an extraordinary quality of life. 

That can all change with quality, 'street-smart' education on all aspects of business growth.

Why Scale with Freedom is Arguably Australia's BEST Business Course

What You Can Imagine, You Can Achieve

Working long term with business owners 1-on-1 for 25 years, you get to hear about every challenge they have to deal with.

Owners expect effective solutions to their challenges. And that's what they are paying for. 

Providing solutions also leads to seeing the results and how effective theyare. When results weren't ideal, the solution was improved to make sure it worked virtually every time. 

Evolved not New

The Scale with Freedom course was first delivered LIVE to small groups in 2007 and was originally a 7-month course of various names. It was called The Business Freedom Workshop SeriesThe Business Certainty Course and then The Academy of Business Mastery

It was delivered to hundreds of businesses offline in nSW and QLD and then online, while constantly refining and improving the content.  

Without that volume of recipients going through a course or years of 1 on 1 experience, its theoretical or superficial in content and unlikely to work anywhere near its full potential. 

The background, breadth and depth of content and assistance with implementation with systems, tools and templates is what makes Scale with Freedom arguably the best.

What is Freedom?

Freedom in the course name represents many benefits achieved from the course. 

You probably started your business with a vision of what you wanted it to be years later. But has that vision been achieved?

Many obstacles and problems stand in the way of achieving profitable, high income growth in business with a quality personal life, so often that original vision is forgotten. 

Few owners know or achieve the full potential of their business, to one day be super profitable and set up to operate without them - where working in it becomes optional. 

That outcome is what Scale with Freedom was built to achieve.

Freedom Benefits from the Course
Freedom from doubt
Freedom from worry
Freedom from 'guesswork'
Freedom of holidays
Freedom of choice to work
Freedom to do what you want

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